Chase the good life

Have You Lost Childhood Wonderment?

Have You Lost Childhood Wonderment?

As children, we are full of wonder and awe at the world around us. I’m talking about childhood wonderment. When everything is new and exciting. When each day is an adventure. When we approach life with an open mind and an insatiable curiosity. We are free from the weight of expectations and obligations, and we can see the world with fresh eyes.

I didn’t fully realize this until my son was born. As I have watched him grow – he’s already 2! – he’s reminded me how truly wonderful and amazing the world can be. I guess with time I had forgotten.

As we grow older, we often lose touch with childhood wonderment. The weight of responsibilities, the pressures of adulthood, and the constant onslaught of information and stimuli can make it difficult to maintain a sense of curiosity and awe. We become more pessimistic, jaded, and focused on practicalities. In turn, we tend to explore and discover less.

When childhood wonderment disappears, we lose most of the joy in our lives. It’s a key ingredient in a fulfilling and meaningful life. Without it, we fail to appreciate beauty, love, and happiness.

Childhood wonderment helps us stay present and mindful of the moment. When we are awestruck by the beauty and complexity of the world around us, we are fully engaged in that second, minute, and hour. We are not distracted by our worries or anxieties. Instead, we engage in the experience with reckless abandon. The healthy kind that reduces stress and anxiety, and can lead to a greater sense of inner peace and calm.

In addition to its benefits for our mental and emotional well-being, childhood wonderment can also be a powerful driver of creativity and innovation. When we approach the world with curiosity and openness, we can see things from new perspectives.  We challenge our preconceived notions and assumptions. This can lead to new ideas and breakthroughs in all areas of life, from science and technology to the arts and humanities.

Furthermore, childhood wonderment can help to cultivate a sense of empathy and connection with others. When we are awestruck by the beauty and complexity of the world around us, we are reminded of our shared humanity and our interconnectedness with all living things. This can lead to a greater sense of compassion and understanding, as well as a desire to work towards creating a better world for everyone.

So how can we maintain our sense of childhood wonderment while facing the challenges and pressures of adulthood?

One approach is to intentionally seek out new experiences and adventures. This can be as simple as exploring a new part of town, trying new food, or learning a new skill. By seeking out new experiences and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, we can keep our minds and hearts open to the world around us.

Another strategy is to take time to appreciate the small things in life. Whether it’s the beauty of a sunset, the sound of a bird singing, or the feel of the sun on our skin, taking time to appreciate the simple pleasures of life can help to cultivate a sense of childhood wonderment and awe.

Being completely present in those small moments can elicit the same emotions I often witness on my son’s face. The ear-to-ear smiles. The excited hand gestures. The belly giggles.

Meditation and mindfulness techniques can also be powerful tools for recapturing and maintaining a sense of wonderment. By cultivating a sense of presence and awareness, we can learn to quiet our minds and focus on the present. We can become more attuned to the world around us, and more aware of the beauty and complexity that surrounds us daily.

Ultimately, maintaining our sense of childhood wonderment is about embracing the mystery and complexity of life. By approaching the world with an open heart and mind, we can relive our childhood. We can realize that sense of awe and wonder that excited us as innocent children. By seeking out new experiences, taking time to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, and cultivating a sense of presence and awareness, we can live a life filled with childhood wonderment.

It will make each day more fulfilling. More meaningful. More magical.

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